Forged 1oz 2000 kookaburra

In case you thought that forgery of Australian coins was restricted to rarities, have a look at the following 1oz kookaburra and compare it with the genuine coin at World Coin Gallery.

1oz silver kookaburra forgery (2000) 31g, 40mm
Forged 1oz 2000 kookaburra
Australia 1oz 2000 kookaburra
Genuine 1oz 2000 kookaburra

The forged coin is silver plated, it has the correct weight of 31g and the correct diameter 40mm, and at first glance looks to be the genuine article. But there are differences, it only has a silver finish and the the most obvious difference is the replacing of ‘1 DOLLAR’ on the obverse by ‘2000’. This ‘mistake’ was done on purpose so that the coin cannot be classed as a forgery!

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Brian O'Hart
    2016-11-20 04:21

    Would you please advise the best way or materials available to clean coins. eg pennies , current silver and bronze (? ) decimal currency coins.
    Sincere thanks- hope you can assist.
    Brian O’Hart

  • James Hidden
    2018-07-27 03:46

    It might be too late to reply to this but, it is not recommended you clean coins other than maybe a wash in some soapy water then well rinsed and dried. Use no abrasives on coins nor Silver dip, otherwise you will diminish the value greatly.


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